Current Zim 9.00 – Build 1047:
- Fixes for Zim 9 for ODBC Driver 32 bit.
- Crash in Form set (protected) formname.fieldname
Build 898:
- Fixes for Zim 9 for Ubuntu on ARM processors and Zim 9 for Debian on Intel processors;
- Add Zim Jar files to the Linux installers;
- Re-instating the Zim Integrated Server feature in Zim 9.
Build 895:
- Fixes to build Zim 9 for Ubuntu on Raspberry PI on ARM processors and Debian on Intel processors;
- Fixed the size and position of a Window when zoom in and zoom out are used in ZimIDE;
- Fixed the positioning of radio buttons with option boxes;
- Fine tuning of grid controls in terms of invisibility, display masks, and a crash;
- Adjusted the connection of ZimQTC for Windows when connecting to Linux;
- Fixed the appearance of Progress Bar in ZimIDE;
- Fixed ZimExplore’s panel;
- Fixed font and color properties disappearing when an image is added in ZimIDE;
- Fixed for double clicks in scroll bars;
- Fixed a syntax error for $membercount in ZimIDE;
- Adjusted shared memory allocation for ARM processors;
- Fixed a tree pool invocation;
- Deprecated the utilities pDPSDocCopy and pDPSFileCopy due to their unreliability;
- Fixed a crash in tab controls.
Build 862:
- Fixed a crash in specific cases with the Tree Pool;
- Introduced the Build for Linux Intel 32 bits;
- Introduced the Build for Linux ARM 64 bits;
Build 855:
- Implemented the ZOOM feature in ZimIDE to allow Windows, Displays and Forms be zoomed in and zoomed out while designing them;
- Extended the size of Windows, Forms and Displays to 10,000 by 10,000 pixels;
- Fixed the positioning of the cursor on a date field after CTRL-Delete to clean it;
- Fixed the date mask field in ZimIDE;
- Fixed the wrong lost focus event after being reset by another event;
Build 848:
- Fixed a crash when addressing a particular instance of a repeated Form;
- Fixed the behaviour of a LostFocusModified event after an accelerator key;
- Converted strings passed to the SYSTEM command to comply with UTF-8 rules;
- Adjusted the correct upload of images in ZimIDE for picture boxes;
- Corrected printed messages on the back screen if arriving from Linux;
- Applied fixes to Linux environment thus allowing Zim 9.00 for Windows to access Zim 9.00 for Linux;
Build 841:
- Fixed image corruptions when defining a remote file in ZimIDE;
- Corrected the information provided by ThisForm.FormChanged and ThisForm.FieldChanged after an event;
- Corrected the command FORM DEFINE when invoking ZimIDE;
- Corrected the information set the command WINDOW STATUS;
- Implemented the Form Number property in ZimIDE;
- Fixed the path of an image being nullified after a FORM INPUT;
- Improved performance by adjusting the TCP/IP connection;
- Improved performance by reducing the FORM OPEN messages;
- Improved tracing with the option “-t 4”;
- Accepted all kinds of variables in the SYSTEM command;
- Fixed a checkbox inconsistency when defining default values;
- Fixed FORM CLEAR, LOST FOCUS and GOT FOCUS for grid controls;
- Implemented events and protections for grid control cells;
- Implemented the shadow size conversion when moving from Zim 7 to ZIm 9;
- Removed less informative messages when ZimServer finds connection errors;
- Corrected the cleaning of a user leaving its session in ZImServer;
- Released the license slot when ZimServer detects a connection error;
- Fixed focus issues in grid controls;
- Fixed tab stop issues for grid controls;
- Adjusted grid control column properties;
- Corrected the qualification of object names when saving and loading data from entity sets;
- Added visible lines in entry fields in grid controls;
- Adjusted fonts and colours for pictures in grid controls;
- Fixed the inherited font for all grid controls;
- Reduced the memory consumption used by certain Zim functions;
Build 804:
- Fixed the foreground color for columns in grid controls;
- Setting the heading font colours for grid controls;
- Fix the color of column headers;
- Fixed issues with case, length and visibility in grid controls;
- Corrected the positioning of objects within frames when there is a label;
- Corrected the positioning of windows when opened with the AT clause;
- Corrected the window resizing after a MOVE command;
- Fix to normalize old DOS, Windows and UNIX end of line delimiters;
- Fine tuning ZimServer’s lock tracing;
- Correctly displaying headings in grid controls;
- Implemented the alternating row colours in grid controls;
- Improved functionality of checkboxes in grid controls;
- Corrected various issues regarding font effects in cells within grid controls;
- Implemented dashes in the function $RightClickMenu;
- Performed several fixes for colours in columns in grid controls;
- Fixed the reset of picture boxes in grid controls.
Build 782:
- Corrected the help information triggered by ZimQTC;
- Implemented the correct positioning of a child window;
- Corrected the positioning of clipped windows;
- Fixed the column resets for grid controls;
- Adjusted the return codes provided by the command SET CHECKPOINT;
- Fixed a crash in ZimIDE when dealing with borderless windows;
- Fixed a bad behaviour when executing a $SetProperty with BACKSCREEN HIDE;
- Adjusted the output lengths on the backscreen for expressions involving accented characters;
- Fixed a crash caused by excessive memory usage in large CASE statements;
- Prevented output messages being displayed when BACKSCREEN is hidden;
- Fixed a crash when a multi-line entry field is present in grid controls;
- Fixed a crash in grid controls when a FORM SET CLEAR is issued;
- Fine tuned the command WINDOW STATUS;
- Corrected the availability of check boxes;
- Implemented the CUT operation in menu items;
- Implemented the COPY operation in menu items;
- Corrected the internal error codes when leaving a LOCALPROCEDURE in compiled code only;
- Updated the ThisWindow structure when moving or resizing a window;
- Fixed the implementation of the DATE characters for SQL connection only;
- Corrected the center justification in list boxes and combo boxes.