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Zim 8.10 Release Notes

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Zim 8.10 Release Notes

1. Configuration Options



The following configuration options where removed from zimconfig.zim: “lock manager port number” and “lock manager host name”. These options are replaced by command prompt options when invoking Zim.

The configuration option “user name directory” was added to allow work paths to follow the user name.

Also, this file is no longer required to start Zim in the client directory.


The configuration options “lock manager port number” and “lock manager host name” were removed from this file.

2. Work Directory

With the introduction of the configuration option “user name directory yes” in the zimconfig.zim file, work paths created when users log in the system now have the user name.

For example, in Zim 8.00, the work path would be:



Now, when “user name directory” is set to “yes”, the work paths will be:


The user names Christina, Joseph and Deborah must be know by Zim in the Entity Set Users because these are the user names used to log on in the commands:

zim -u Christina
zim -u Joseph
zim -u Deborah

Zim automatically checks for the availability of the directory and doesn’t allow more than one log on to the same name in the same work path.

3. New Command Prompt Parameters to Start Zim

Zim now requires two new parameters to be started:

zim [-u user] [-p password] [-n database] [-o port] [-h host name] [-c command]


-u is the User Name
-p is the password
-n is the database name
-o is the port number to connect to Zim Server. The default is 6002 unless specified differently in zimconfig.srv
-h is the host name where Zim Server is running
-c is the Zim command to run upon start. The default is “zimprof”.

If any of the parameters are missing, then Zim asks the parameters.

4. Starting Zim Server as Windows Services

It was detected by some users running Zim 8 that Zim Server running as Windows Services might cause reason for unexpected database corruptions and being uncapable of recovering from a power shutdown under normal conditions.

Therefore, and because the fixes for these problems were not available on time for this release, Zim Server running as Windows Services was inhibitted until the next release of Zim.

5. Zim Web

Now, Zim 8.1 has Zim Web available for Windows and Linux.

6. New Zim Installer

Zim 8.1 now has a new unified installer for Windows capable of installing all Zim products in the same run like Zim itself (with Zim Server), all utilities, DC, Zim Web, ODBC Driver and SAMs.

7. Zim Documentation

Zim 8 documentation and help has undergone through extensive revision found in the compile help document called zdl.chm that is included in the Zim 8 software package.

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