Modifies the individual attributes of opened windows.
WINDOW SET («option») [window]
option | Options that affect certain window attributes. Can be [UN]AVAILABLE BORDER color [NOT] CLOSED FILLCOLOR color FONT expr [NOT] FUNCTIONKEYS [NOT] GOTFOCUS LABEL expr MOUSEPOINTER fileName [NOT] LOSTFOCUS [NOT] MESSAGES [NOT] MODAL PENCOLOR color POINTSIZE expr STATUSBARTEXT statusBarText TABORDER BY setting |
window |
Window can be name The name of the window that you want to open. The software looks up name in the currently accessed directories in the usual way. A compiled WINDOW OPEN command using name contains the unambiguous name of the window (including a reference to an application directory) that was found at compile time. (expr ) A character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string, that is to be used at run time as the name of the window. The parentheses must be entered. If neither name nor expr is specified, the current window is assumed. |
Option | Description |
[UN]AVAILABLE | Indicates if the application user can initiate a focus shift to the window. |
BORDER color | Sets the border color. |
[NOT] CLOSED | Indicates if the specified event causes a callback. |
FILLCOLOR color | Sets the background color. |
FONT expr | Sets the font. |
FUNCTIONKEYS ON | OFF | Controls pre-defined accelerator keys. |
[NOT] GOTFOCUS | Indicates if the specified event causes a callback. |
LABEL expr | Establishes the window’s label. |
[NOT] LOSTFOCUS | Indicates if the specified event causes a callback. |
MESSAGES ON | OFF | Controls the display of help and error messages. |
[NOT] MODAL | Controls if the window is a modal window. |
PENCOLOR color | Sets the foreground color. |
POINTSIZE expr | Sets the point size of the font. |
TABORDER BY setting | Specifies how focus moves in the window. Can be TABINDEX (based on the form field’s sequence number), FIELDNUM (based on field identification number), ROWCOL (left to right), or COLROW (top to bottom). |
The attributes changed are only applicable to an opened window. After the window is closed, all attributes set are lost. Opening subsequent windows will not inherit attributes set to previous windows.
If there is no opened window, the attribute settings are ignored.
The WINDOW SET command changes certain window attributes whose default states are defined in the Object Dictionary.
See Also