The Menu Tool Bar

Main Characteristics of the Menu Tool Bar

The Toolbar contains shortcuts to menu items that are frequently used.  There are icons for the following menu items:



The Menu Tool bar is divided into the following menu areas:


The Main Menu The File Menu The Edit Menu The View Menu
The Toggle Menu The Coordinates Bar The Alignment Menu The Search Menu

The Main Menu

Contains file operations: New, Open, Save, Save As and Close.
Contains edit operations: Cut, Copy, Paste.
Enables the Preference Menu and the Test View.
Enable or Disable the Field View.
Shows the Alignment Menu.
Connects to the Online Help Library.

The File Menu

Create a new object.
Save the current object.
Save all recently modified objects currently open.
Connect to another instance of a Zim database. Multiple simultaneous connections are supported.
Print the window, form or display currently open in the GUI Designer.

The Edit Menu

Undo the last action.
Redo the last undone action.
Cut the current selected object from the GUI Designer and place it on the clipboard.
Copy the current selected object from the GUI Designer and place it on the clipboard.
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the GUI Designer workspace.
Delete the selected object from the GUI Designer workspace.

The View Menu

Display the Tool Box Tab Page.
Display the object hierarchy in the Tree View Tab Page;
Display the attributes of the selected object in the Attributes Tab Page.
Display the existing objects in all currently connected databases in the Database Tab Page.

The Toggle Menu

Repeat the current toolbox selection;
Turn grid lines on or off.      on/off to assist with alignment of fields.  Grid is off by default.
Turn snap lines on or off.
Refresh the objects currently in the GUI Designer workspace.

The Coordinates Bar

The horizontal location of the selected object.
The vertical location of the selected object.
The width of the selected object.
The height of the selected object.

The Alignment Menu

Left align all currently selected objects with the first object that was selected.
Right align all currently selected objects with the first object that was selected.
Top align all currently selected objects with the first object that was selected.
Bottom align all currently selected objects with the first object that was selected.
Vertically align all currently selected objects with the first object that was selected.
Horizontally align all currently selected objects with the first object that was selected.
If multiple objects are overlapping, the currently selected object is brought to the top of the stack.
If multiple objects are overlapping, the currently selected object is pushed to the bottom of the stack.
Horizontally spaces multiple selected objects evenly apart.
(Ctrl + left arrow) Slightly increases the horizontal space between multiple selected objects.
(Ctrl + right arrow) Slightly decreases the horizontal space between currently selected objects.
Vertically spaces multiple selected objects evenly apart.
(Ctrl + up arrow) Slightly increases the vertical space between multiple selected objects
(Ctrl + down arrow) Slightly decreases the vertical space between multiple selected objects.
Sets multiple objects to the same width as the first object that was selected.
Set multiple objects to the same height as the first object that was selected.

The Search Menu

Search all objects in the current database by name.
Add current object to your "favorites" list.
Open the list of "favorite" objects for quick access to objects you frequently work with.