613-518-1166 info@zimdatabases.com

Contact Information Zim Support

ZIM offers a full range of support options for your specific needs. ZIM Technical Support is designed to save you time, provide you with the latest updates and to ensure you achieve the highest levels of performance, reliability, and uptime.

At ZIM, we understand the importance of providing our customers with timely and reliable support. This is an essential part of successfully delivering our powerful database solutions to customers worldwide. Our dedicated team of ZIM experts provide responsive customer and solutions support. We offer a comprehensive suite of support services to ensure you receive the full benefit of your product purchase.

Let Customer Support be your first step to solving the problem.

Contact ZIM (English or Portuguese)

  • For Sales, Support, Technical and General Information:

Livio Augusto Taufer (Livio) [ltaufer@zimdatabases.com];


ZIM Databases Canada Inc.

1105-960 Teron Road
Kanata, Ontario
Canada K2K 2B6

Tel: 1 613-859-5151

ZIM do Brasil Ltda.

Calcada Flor de Lis, 46 2º.And.
CEP: 06453-062

Tel: 011 55 11 5505 6868
Fax: 011 55 11 5505 2426

We're Here To Help!

10 + 3 =

ZIM Databases Canada

1105-960 Teron Road
Kanata, Ontario
Canada K2K 2B6

Tel: 1 613-859-5151

Brazil Office

Calçada Flor de Lis, 46 2º.And.
CEP: 06453-062

Tel: 011 55 11 5505 6868