Produces or deletes object dependency information.
RESET | Instructs the software to delete all saved dependency information for the specified object(s). If no object is named, all dependency information is deleted. |
object | The name of an object for which you want to output dependency information, or whose dependency information you want to delete. |
Object dependency information is captured during ERASE, CREATE, COMPILE, and PARSE commands if a SET DEPENDENCY ON command has been issued. The DEPENDENCY command either deletes this information or sends it to the current output. When dependency information is output, each dependency occupies one line and the output contains the following fields:
Flags | The first character can be S if the dependency is for a system-defined object. P if the dependency results from a reference by an application program. O in all other cases (the dependency is an owner-object). The second character can be X if the dependent object is more recent than the time of program compilation (for a program dependency) or the time of creation of the owner-object (for an owner dependency). |
ObjectName | The name of object (whose dependent objects are being displayed). |
ObjectType | The object type of ObjectName |
ObjectDirName | The application directory location of OwnerObjectName. |
OwnerObjectName | The name of the object that owns object (i.e., if object is a field, then OwnerObjectName is the name of the EntitySet, relationship, or application document that owns that field). |
OwnerObjectType | The object type of OwnerObjectName. |
OwnerObjectDirName | The application directory location of OwnerObjectName. |
DepObjectName | The name of an object that depends on ObjectName. |
DepObjectType | The object type of DepOwnerObjName. |
DepObjectDirName | The application directory location of DepObjectName. |
DepOwnerObjName | The object name of DepObjectName. |
DepOwnerObjType | The object type of DepObjectName. |
DepOwnerObjDirName | The application directory location of DepOwnerObjName. |
Consider a one-line application document called Test:
list e1
To produce dependency information for Test, enter
> set dependency on % on by default
> parse TestProg
> dependency for TestProg
that outputs
O Test Document ZIM ZIM Directory ZIM
P Test Document ZIM ZIM Directory ZIM e1 EntitySet ZIM ZIM Directory ZIM
See Also