Field BC
Indicates the background color to be used for the object.
Valid Values
A non-negative integer from the color table (below)
If the attributes WdgBCBlue, WdgBCGreen, and WdgBCRed are all non-null, they, not BC, will determine the background color.
The special color code 0 indicates that the object is to take its background color from its parent object. For example, a check box in a frame would take the frame’s background color. If the BC setting for the frame is also 0, then the frame takes the window’s background color. If the window has no parent, and if its BC setting is also 0, then the window takes its background color from the MS-Windows control panel.
Pre-defined Color Constants in Zim
Black |
1 |
Blue |
2 |
Green |
3 |
Cyan |
4 |
Red |
5 |
Magenta |
6 |
Brown |
7 |
LightGrey |
8 |
DarkGrey |
9 |
LightBlue |
10 |
LightGreen |
11 |
LightCyan |
12 |
LightRed |
13 |
LightMagenta |
14 |
Yellow |
15 |
White |
16 |
cWindowColor |
17 |
cButtonHighlight |
18 |
cInactiveCaptionTxt |
19 |
cWindowText |
20 |
cWindowFrame |
21 |
cScrollBarColor |
22 |
cMenuTextColor |
23 |
cMenuColor |
24 |
cInactiveCaption |
25 |
cInactiveBorder |
26 |
cHighlightText |
27 |
cHighlightColor |
28 |
cGrayText |
29 |
cCaptionText |
30 |
cButtonText |
31 |
cButtonShadow |
32 |
cButtonFace |
33 |
cWindowBackground |
34 |
cAppWorkSpace |
35 |
cActiveCaption |
36 |
cActiveBorder |
37 |
See Also
Predefined color constants, BordBC, WdgBCBlue