Field UserName
The name of a user.
The name assigned to an end-user.
Valid Values
An 18-character string, containing a valid object name
Each UserName must be unique. Unlike other attributes in the Object Dictionary, UserName is case-sensitive.
When you use the New Database (ZIMINIT) utility to initialize a new database, two UserNames are automatically added to the Users entity set. These names are super and ZIM. Both of these users have 0 for a UserId and 0 for a GroupId.
You may change or delete the super and ZIM entries; take care, however, as changing or deleting the ZIM entry may make the database inaccessible!
Only a “super user” (i.e., a user whose GroupId is 0) can view or update the Users entity set.
See Also
ConstName, DDObjectName, DDOwnerName, DirName, DisplayName, DocName, EntName, FieldName, FormName, GroupId, MenuName, OwnerName, RelName, RoleName, SetName, UserId, VarName