Field WdgStyle
The “style” of the particular class and subclass of an object.
Valid Values
An integer code as shown in the tables that follow.
For FormFields
Code |
Meaning |
“Label” class |
1 |
Text |
“Text-entry” class |
1 |
Edit control |
“Toggle button” class |
1 |
Check box (square) |
2 |
Radio button (circle) |
3 |
Bitmap (*.bmp files in some windowing environments) |
4 |
Metafile (*.wmf files in some windowing environments) |
5 |
Icon (*.ico files in some windowing environments) |
“Push button” class |
1 |
Push button |
3 |
Bitmap (*.bmp files in some windowing environments) |
4 |
Metafile (*.wmf files in some windowing environments) |
5 |
Icon (*.ico files in some windowing environments) |
“Menu item” class |
1 |
Text |
“Frame” class |
1 |
Standard |
“List box” class |
1 |
Always-dropped list |
2 |
Drop-down list |
“Combo box” class |
1 |
Always-dropped combo box |
2 |
Drop-down combo box |
“Option button group” class |
1 |
Standard |
“Image box” class |
1 |
Bit map |
2 |
Icon |
3 |
Metafile |
“Graphic” class |
1 |
Line (horizontal) |
2 |
Rectangle |
3 |
Ellipse (or circle) |
4 |
Diamond |
5 |
Rounded rectangle |
6 |
Line (vertical) |
7 |
Negative slope line |
8 |
Positive slope line |
“Divider” class |
1 |
Single line |
“User message” class |
1 |
Plain text |
For Windows
Code |
Meaning |
0 |
Borderless |
1 |
Simple |
2 |
Dialog |
3 |
Resizeable |
For Menus
Currently unused.
Only resizable windows can have menus.
See Also
FT, WdgClass, WdgSubClass