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Zim Object Manager (ZOM)


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Report on any improper or unusual object descriptions in the Object Dictionary.


ZOMDiagnose […]


;d This specifies that the output is to be written to the indicated document. The document must be already created. If the ;d option is omitted, it indicates that the output is to be written to the screen.
;a If a document name is specified, the ;a option indicates that the output is to be appended to the end of the document. If the ;a option is omitted, it indicates that the output is to replace the contents of the document specified in ;d option.
;b If a document name is specified, the ;b option indicates that you would like to browse the document file after the action is completed. The ;b option does not take effect if the ;d option was not used to specify an output document.
;w If a document name was not specified, the ;w option sets pause on while the information is being listed to the screen. The ;w option does not take effect if output is directed to a document using the ;d option.


This service examines the object descriptions in the Object Dictionary and report any unusual conditions. Sample output is shown below:

                     ZOM Diagnose Report


*** Documents duplicating filenames of other documents

DirName       DocName

Zim           halt            $console

Zim           terminal        $console

Zim           start           zimprof

Zim           zimprof         zimprof


*** Non unique use of Field SNs within OwnerName


DirName       OwnerName       FieldName   SN

zim           Customers       IndType     100

zim           Customers       Name        100

zim           FilledBy        Amount      100

zim           FilledBy        UKFilledBy  100

zim           Require         Amount      100

zim           Require         UKRequire   100


*** Fields without Owners


DirName       OwnerName       FieldName

Zim           Testent         Field1


*** Dfs without Displays


DirName       DisplayName     FormDirName    FormName

Zim           testdisp        zim            xxxxxxxx


*** Dfs without Forms


DirName       DisplayName     FormDirName    FormName

Zim           testdisp        zim            xxxxxxxx


The following command lists the diagnosis report to the screen with pause mode on.

ZOMDiagnose ;w

The following command puts the diagnosis report in the document “DiagRpt,” and brings up the document browser on the report.

ZOMDiagnose ;d DiagRpt ;b

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