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ZIM Programs and Utilities


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Activated Products

The Activation utility displays all currently activated Zim products installed on the same machine as the selected Zim Server.

Each row in the Activated Products grid corresponds to a single Zim product:

The column headers in the Activated Product grid are described in the table below:

Column Description
Product Code Indicates the activated licensed product (e.g., ZIM PDP, ODBC Driver, JDBC Driver, SAM, ZIM Web, ZIM Backup Server, JDBC SAM)
Serial Number The serial number used to activate the product
Users The number of licensed users for the product
Zim Version The Zim version compatible with the product
OS The operating system for which the product was licensed
Start Date The date on which the product license was activated
End Date The date on which the product license will expire
Company The name of the company for which the activation key was issued

Activating a New Product

New Zim products can be activated by clicking on Activate a New Product and providing the correct information in the dialog:

Note: You will always receive, via e-mail, the required activation information (Serial Number, Activation Key and Registration Name) for any Zim product licensed to you..

Click on Activate to complete the procedure.

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