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ZIM Programs and Utilities

User Connections

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Viewing User Connections

The User Connection utility lists all users connected to the selected Zim Server and provides an interface for disconnecting users from the server.

The column headers in the User Connections grid are described in the table below:

Column Description
User A user identifier number, assigned by Zim Server in chronological order
User Name The name of the User connected to the host machine
Type Zim ODBC Driver, Zim JDBC Driver, Zim TC Agent, or Zim DB Agent
Database The database name as listed in zimdb.zim
Connected The date and time when the connection was established
Host Name The machine name where Zim Server is running
IP Address The IP address of the host machine
Agent PID The process ID of zdbagent.exe or zimtcagent.exe in the host machine
Client PID The process ID of ZimIDE.exe or zimqtc.exe in the client machine
Read Locks The number of read locks caused by this user since connected to the server
Write Locks The number of write locks caused by this user since connected to the server
File Locks The number of file locks caused by this user since connected to the server
Work Path The full path to the file in which the user information is maintained

Disconnecting Users

To disconnect a user, right click on the user number and then click on Yes in the pop-up dialog


The selected user connection will be terminated and the list of connected users will be updated

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