Manage the spy window for debugging.
pSpy ( in vlAction )
vlAction | A string that identifies the function to be performed. |
The pSpy command manages the spy window that displays events, actions, and program, window, and form information.
All operations can be invoked at any time. However, if the spy window is not opened, all operations (except OPEN) have no effect. The valid values for vlAction and their meanings are
vlAction | Meaning |
ACTION | Display the actions details window showing the history of actions. |
CLOSE | Close the spy window. |
EVENT | Display the event details window. |
FORM | Display the form details window. |
HIDE | Deactivate the spy window. |
OPEN | Open the spy window. |
PROGRAM | Send a GETSTATUS action to the current process and display program status information. |
REFRESH | Refresh spy window information. Called from pGetAction after an action is found. |
REFRESHACTION | Append the latest action to the action list and then do a REFRESH. |
REFRESHEVENT | Refresh the event information in the spy window. |
SHOW | Activate the spy window. |
SHOWHIDE | Toggle the spy window visibility. If it is visible, make it invisible and vice versa. |
WINDOW | Display the window details window. |
Most operations of the spy window, with the exception of opening and closing the window, are managed automatically by the Framework. There is usually no need for application code to use the other functions of pSpy.