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ZIM Language Reference

SET (EntitySet/Data Relationship Attribute)

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SET (EntitySet/Data Relationship Attribute)

Modifies the value of an attribute of a database object.


SET tablename tabletype [ “ZIMSERV” | “JDBCSAM” | alias name ]

SET tablename [ remname |  remowner ] value

SET fieldname [ remname ] value


is the name of an EntitySet or data relationship


is the name of a field in an EntitySet or data relationship


is the option to modify the location of tablename


is the option to modify the Remote Name of tablename or fieldname


is the option to modify the Remote Owner Name of tablename

alias name

is or as defined in the configuration file “zimalias.zim”.


is an expression that evaluates to a string


These two forms of the SET command modify attributes of EntitySets, data relationships, and fields that affect client-server behavior.

These commands affect the internal value of these attributes. They do not update the external data dictionary. It is prudent to modify the data dictionary to conform to any new attribute values that are set. The utility ZIMFILES can be used to display internal values of any database object.

When modifying TABLETYPE, the value must be a valid SAM name or custom server name. This is equivalent to modifying EntType in EntitySets or RelType in Relationships and then performing “erase” and “create” commands on the EntitySet or data relationship.

Changing the REMNAME or REMOWNER to the value null string (”) removes any Remote Name or Remote Owner Name associated with the database object.

The SET REMOWNER command is equivalent to changing the “RemoteOwner” in “EntitySets” or “Relationships” and then recreating the EntitySet or relationship.

The SET REMNAME command is equivalent to changing the “RemoteName” in “EntitySets” or “Relationships” and then recreating the EntitySet or relationship.

Any compiled Zim programs that reference database objects that have been modified with these commands should be recompiled.

Example 1

To modify the EntitySet Customers so that it is under the control of an Oracle SQL server, enter

> set Customers tabletype ‘jdbcsam’

> set MyEnt tabletype ‘zimserv’

Example 2

To modify the Remote Name of the field ZIP in EntitySet customers, enter

> set Customers.ZIP remname ‘”ZIP or Postal Code”‘

When modifying the attribute of a field, qualify it with its entity set or relationship name to avoid ambiguity. Note that double quotation marks are included in the REMNAME value. Most database engines require double quotation marks around the column name if it contains embedded blanks.

Example 3

To remove the Remote Name of the field ZIP in EntitySet customers that was added above, enter

> set Customers.ZIP remname ”


See Also

Remote Name Mapping

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