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ZIM 9 Basics

Pre-Installation steps for ZimQt on Linux

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ZimQt for Linux dependes on the Qt 5 libraries . This guide provides the steps for Qt 5 installation.

Download Qt 5

1. Visit the Qt downloads page at http://qt-project.org/downloads

1. Download the Qt 5 version according to your platform


wget http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.1/5.1.0/qt-linux-opensource-5.1.0-x86-offline.run


wget http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.1/5.1.0/qt-linux-opensource-5.1.0-x86_64-offline.run

Install Qt 5

1. Set execution permission for the Qt 5 installer

chmod +x qt-linux-opensource-5.0.2-x86-offline.run

2. Run the installer and follow the instructions


Install g++

1. Install g++ using the terminal

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Configure a Compiler

1. Launch Qt Creator

2. Go to Tools > Options

3. Click Build & Run

4. Select the Kit tab

5. Configure a compiler if one was not automatically detected

Install OpenGL

1. Install OpenGL Libraries from the terminal

Add Qt to the Path

sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev

1. Add Qt


Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build.

Error: g++: Command not found

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Error: GL.h/gl/h: No such file or directory

sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev

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