Selects data for a report and specifies overall report format.
REPORT [num] FROM [setspec] [GRAPHIC [TEMPLATE name]] [orientation] [PAUSE n]
[format options] [-> clause]
num | Places a limit on the number of records from setspec used in the report.
Num can be |
setspec | A set specification that defines the data to be used for the report. If omitted, the current set (if it exists) is used. |
GRAPHIC | Specifies that this report is to be generated using a graphical structure. |
TEMPLATE name | For graphical reports, the name of an optional template to define the layout of the report. |
orientation | Orientation can be FORMAT DOWN Specifies that the report is line-oriented. Successive records from setspec are placed on successive lines. FORMAT ACROSS n The report is column-oriented. Successive records from setspec are placed in successive columns across the report page. N specifies the number of columns; it must be a positive integer. The default value of orientation is FORMAT DOWN. |
PAUSE n | PAUSE n causes a pause before the first page of the report is output, and another pause after each subsequent n pages have been output. Pauses are useful when the report is being output to a printer that is manually fed sheets of special paper, or when the report is being viewed on the computer one window-full at a time. During a pause, the message Press The PAUSE message can be altered using the Language Customizer utility. |
format options | A list of options defining the overall appearance of the report. Can be one or more of COLUMNSPACING In each case, n can be a constant, variable, form field, or parameter that evaluates to a positive integer. |
The REPORT FROM command produces a set whose members are used as the source of data values for the report. The various clauses in the REPORT FROM command also specify the overall format of the report and determine if the report is line-oriented or column-oriented.
The format option PAGELAYOUT
REPORT FROM Customers GRAPHIC TEMPLATE tCust PAGELAYOUT “2140;1950;1;1;0;0;0;0”
Other report commands…
The values in PAGELAYOUT mean (in tenths of millimeters): Height of the page; Width of the page; Number of Rows (for labels); Number of Columns (for labels); Top Margin; Left margin; Vertical distance between labels; Horizontal Distance between labels.