613-518-1166 info@zimdatabases.com


ZIM offers a full range of  training services. Contact us at info@zimdatabases.com to discuss your training requirements.

Zim Basic Database Handing
Who Should Attend:

New Zim Developers
What you will Learn:

How to use the Entity-relationship (ER) data model; differences between the Relational and the E-R models; implement, create and maintain Zim databases; understand the Zim architecture; create the object dictionary components; utilize Zim commands to manipulate data, the serial interface and program flow. This is a hands-on course.

Basic programming logic, database basics

Relational and Entity-Relationship (ER) models- basics; Database component objects (entity sets, relationships, roles, documents, etc); Database handling commands; macro and procedure program structures; program flow commands; application programming; database creation and structure

3 days
Zim Graphical User Interface
Who Should Attend:

Current Zim TUI developers who attended the Migration course (4) and new developers who attended the Zim Basic course
What you will Learn:

How to implement complete user graphic interfaces; create and use the interface widgets; use of the TUI interface widgets and their restrictions; create tabbed forms; program event driven modal and non-modal applications; This is a hands-on course.

Zim Basic

Graphical interface structure and components; navigation, focus, availability and selection concepts; creation and use of Window, Menu, Form and Display objects; dealing with the Zim graphical widgets and their behavior; using events, actions and Zim control structures; tabbed forms creation and use; modal and non-modal application structures, where and how to use them; controlling Zim parallel processes; inter-process communication; graphical interface utilities.

2 days
Zim Advanced Techniques
Who Should Attend:

Current Zim developers, DBAs and new developers who attended the Zim Basic course. This is a very important course for database administrators and developers involved with performance tuning.
What you will Learn:

Zim database files internal structure; data and index access mechanisms; Zim lock mechanism, the zimlock.zim file physical and virtual structure; Zim data access strategy and optimization; how to use the configuration file options related to locks and data access

Zim programming knowledge

The Zim database structure; data files internal structure; data tree and index tree; the three different access mechanisms; access costs; transactions and locks; EIO and Btree operations; configuration parameter use related to transactions; multi range and large file locks; the Locktrace option and its use; database auditing and data recovery; database access strategy; database access optimization

2 days
Migrating Zim UI-GUI
Who Should Attend:

Current Zim TUI developers (versions 4.x)
What you will Learn:

The main differences between the 4.x and the versions 5.7 and Aria Zim; how to migrate from a TUI interface to a GUI interface; anticipate and avoid possible problems

Previous Zim 4.x programming knowledge

New concepts and their counterpart in the 4.x version; events versus transmission keys; the control structures Event, ThisForm, ThisWindow, etc; New objects, components and functions; Event driven applications versus the traditional programming; migration strategies; migrating just the application look; migrating look and feel; Behavioral differences between versions; using version 4.x databases with Zim applications

1 day
ActiveX Objects and Zim
Who Should Attend:

Zim developers in general
What you will Learn:

ActiveX objects basics, how to instantiate in place and link ActiveX objects and how to interact with these objects from within Zim

Previous Zim knowledge and new developers who attended the Zim Interface course

Components; what it is and how it works COM/DCOM; OLE objects; ActiveX objects; in place and linked activation; methods, properties and object events; Zim support to ActiveX objects; Zim OLE widgets for ActiveX objects creation and uses; handling the interface and object events in Zim; using ActiveX object examples

1 day
Zim Connectivity
Who Should Attend:

Zim developers in general
What you will Learn:

How you can work in a client-server architecture using the Zim Integrated Server; two and three tier client-server architecture; how to access and update a Zim database from the Internet using Zim CGI; how to access Zim databases using ASP (Active Server Pages) and Zim ODBC

Previous Zim knowledge and new developers who attended the Zim basic course

Host-based versus client-server architectures – differences, advantages and disadvantages; Zim Integrated Server (ZIS) basics; Installing and configuring ZIS; Preparing the target (server) database and the clients; Starting and stopping the Zim Server; Simultaneous multiple server; Creating Zim Server new instances; migrating to client-server notes and recommendations; Using server Documents and the $ServerFunction; Zim CGI basics and components; Installing and configuring the Zim CGI; Starting and stopping the ZIMCGI; Zim and HTML interface programming examples; Transaction and session oriented applications; Security layers; The ZIS ODBC driver basics; using the ZIS ODBC to access Zim databases from different third party applications; Using ZIS ODBC to access Zim from ASP applications

2 days
System Administration and Maintenance
Who Should Attend:

Zim database administrators and developers in general
What you will Learn:

The Zim components; how to manage Zim DB environments; how to manage and relocate files; how to minimize transaction conflicts by database fine-tuning; Zim database backup and recovery

Previous Zim knowledge (basics) and operating system

Zim components; setting up Zim databases and environments; Zim file use, distribution and structure; transactions and lock mechanisms; managing production and development environments; transaction audit files; database manual and automatic recovery; available configuration options and their use; Zim utilities to manage databases; reorganizing Zim databases; Zim terminal definitions – zimtcap utility in Unix.

2 days
Zim Strategy Analyzer
Who Should Attend:

Zim developers in general
What you will Learn:

How Zim accesses the database files, how it selects the way tables are accessed, and how to optimize this access

Previous Zim language and architecture knowledge

Data access basics; the Zim Strategy Analyzer basics and algorithm; examples of use and how to optimize data access

1 day
Zim Object Manager
Who Should Attend:

Zim developers in general and database administrators
What you will Learn:

What is the Zim Object Manager, how it works and why you should use it

Previous Zim language and object dictionary architecture knowledge

Zim Object Manager basics; object properties and keywords; object dependency; object selection criteria; locking objects for update; object import and export procedure; using the shadow object dictionary; team development with Zim Object Manager

1 day

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150 Isabella Street, Suite 150
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1S 1V7

Tel: 613-518-1166

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Calçada Flor de Lis, 46 2º.And.
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