Returns the average value of a set of values, excluding $Null values.
expression | any expression |
Return Value
Number, with the number of decimal places implied by expression.
The function calculates the average of a set of values, excluding $Null values.
Expression is often a WHERE expression that includes only selected values in the averaging operation. If the WHERE expression (expr1 WHERE expr2) is true, the expr1 value is included in the averaging operation; otherwise, expression is considered $Null and is not included in the averaging operation.
compute Employees where DeptName=”Sales”
evaluate (let AvgAge = $average($year($date)-$year(BirthDate)))
(let AvgSal = $average(Salary where Sex = “F”))
Finds the average age of all employees, and the average salary of all female employees, in the sales department.
report footing
($total(Salary*Salary) / $count(Salary) – $average(Salary) * $average(Salary))
Reports average salary and salary variance.
See Also