Creates a memory set based on the telemetry from a connector.
CREATE MEMORY SET FROM «connector document»
connector document |
The name of a connector document. |
The CREATE MEMORY SET command converts the information in a 1202 message into an in memory zim EntitySet. It creates the set and field definitions at run time using the metadata in the message and populates the set using the data in the message.
The memory set is called $MemorySet and is specifically useful only for connector documents. There can be only one $MemorySet at a time and the creation of a new one replaces the existing one. The definitions that are created are not available for inspection (the are not really in the directory).
Not using $MemorySet:
> set connector document SMS_RECEIVE to ‘F!amccue!9011’
> set output format commadelimited
> list all SMS_RECEIVE (get the first message from the connector)
>” 0″,”0″,”0″,”OUTPUT”,”START_BACKLOG”,”STDOUT”,”16135551012″
>” SYNC”,”0″,”0″,”SYNCINFO”,”8820″,”ADDR”,”16135551012″>
> list all SMS_RECEIVE (get the next message from the connector)
>” 0″,”0″,”0″,”DATA”,”REFERENCE”,”CHAR”,”0″
>” 0″,”0″,”1″,”DATA”,”PART”,”CHAR”,”1″
>” 0″,”0″,”2″,”DATA”,”PARTS”,”CHAR”,”1″
>” 0″,”0″,”4″,”DATA”,”MY_NUMBER”,”CHAR”,”16135551012″
>” 0″,”0″,”5″,”DATA”,”SIM_SLOT”,”CHAR”,”1″
>” 0″,”0″,”7″,”DATA”,”SENDER_EMAIL”,”CHAR”,”16135552208″
>” 0″,”0″,”8″,”DATA”,”DATE”,”CHAR”,”2003/01/15″
>” 0″,”0″,”9″,”DATA”,”TIME”,”CHAR”,”11:34:34″
>” 0″,”0″,”10″,”DATA”,”BODY”,”CHAR”,”this is a test”
list all SMS_RECEIVE (get the next message from the connector)
>” 0″,”0″,”0″,”OUTPUT”,”END_BACKLOG”,”STDOUT”,”16135551012″
>” SYNC”,”0″,”0″,”SYNCINFO”,”8820″,”ADDR”,”16135551012″
Using the $MemorySet
> set connector document SMS_RECEIVE to ‘F!amccue!9011’
> set output format commadelimited
> create memory set from SMS_RECEIVE
> list all $memoryset
> create memory set from SMS_RECEIVE
> list all $memoryset
>”16135552208″,”2003/01/15″,”11:34:34″,”this is a test”,”1615551012″
> create memory set from SMS_RECEIVE
> list all $memoryset
Related Information
Whitepaper on The Open 1202 Protocol, Version 01.00 July 2002