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ZIM Language Reference


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Opens a form or display in the current window.




object name: The name of the form or display to be opened.

(expr): A character string, or an expression that evaluates to a character string, to be used at run time as the name of the form or display.
Using (expr) enables one FORM OPEN command to specify different forms or displays, at the risk of encountering an ambiguous name.

FORM OPEN (expr) cannot be used to open forms defined in a foreign directory.

NOCLEAR The values currently assigned to the constituent form fields are to be retained.
If omitted, each form field value is reset to its default.
NOGUIUSE The current form or display is opened for internal use only and is never displayed.
It is intended for the performance improvement whenever forms are used as arrays in memory.
Any attempt to display these objects will be ignored.
Other operations are accepted as usual.


The FORM OPEN command initializes a form or display for use.
The form or display is displayed using the FORM DISPLAY command, and input is requested using the FORM INPUT command.


The form or display specified in a FORM OPEN command remains the current form in its window until a FORM OPEN, FORM CLOSE, or WINDOW CLOSE command is executed.
Each window has its own current form.


When a FORM OPEN command is executed, all ,em>form field attributes are reset to their defined values.
An exception is the field’s value, which is not reset if the NOCLEAR option is used.


The FORM OPEN command also establishes a form for use as an in-memory EntitySet.
When treated as an EntitySet, a standalone form has only one record.
The forms in a display have as many records as there are instances of a particular form in the display.


form open dAddEmps

Opens a display and resets all constituent form fields to their default values.


form open fAddEmps
form display input
form close
form open fAddDepts
form display
form open fAddEmps noclear
form display

Opens a form and resets its field values, then displays the form and requests user input. Next, a second form is opened and displayed.
Finally, the first form is opened again, and the field values input earlier are re-displayed (because the NOCLEAR option was specified).


form open ($ concat(" fContracts", ContractType))

Opens a certain form dynamically by type.


See Also




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