? (Wildcard)
? ( Wildcard)
Matches all subsequent characters in a value.
expression1 = expression2 ?
expression1 | A character string, or a variable or form field that evaluates to a character string. |
expression2 | A character string, or a variable or form field that evaluates to a character string. |
Used with the equals sign in logic expressions, the ? wildcard matches any number of subsequent characters when expression2 is compared to expression1. The question mark must appear outside of the pattern string.
DeptNum = “D56”?
Logically true if the department number begins with the characters D56. Notice that the question mark must appear outside the string.
RemarkField = “Smith?”
Shows the question mark being used literally in a string. (The characters appear inside the quotation marks.) The expression is logically true only if Remarkfield contains the exact characters Smith?.
Surname = fCustomer.LastName?
Shows how the wildcard can be attached directly to an atomic expression employing a variable, local variable, form field, or formal parameter, provided the object is of a character data type. (Trailing blanks in the specified object are trimmed for pattern-matching purposes.)
See Also