Establishes the accelerators for the current window.
ADD | Specifies that keyname is to be added to the current list of accelerator keys. |
NOT | Specifies that keyname is to be removed from the current list of accelerator keys. |
keyname | Can be any of the pre-defined key names: F1 through F100, ESCAPE, RETURN, ENTER, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, HOME, END, JUMPUP (Ctrl-Up), JUMPDOWN (Ctrl-Dn), JUMPLEFT (Ctrl-Lf), JUMPRIGHT (Ctrl-Rt), TABBACK (Shift-Tab), TABFORWARD (Tab) or any of the pre-defined mouse button names (used in ZIM Version 4 windows only): BUTTON1 through BUTTON6 If keyname is a character string that does not match any pre-defined key name, each character in the string becomes an accelerator key. |
Each window has its own current list of accelerator keys. Before a WINDOW SET ACCELERATOR command is issued, no accelerator keys are in effect.
Any combinations of key names can be specified as accelerator keys. Mouse button names are valid key names.
If neither ADD nor NOT is specified, then keyname replaces the current list of accelerator keys. If no keyname is specified, then all accelerator keys are disabled.
An accelerator key causes an event that is intercepted by the program. Event.EventType is assigned “Accelerator”, and Event.EventName is assigned the name of the key.
Accelerator keys are ignored if the focus is in a menu.
See Also