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ZIM Programs and Utilities

Server Log

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Viewing the Server Log

The Server Log utility displays the contents of the Zim Server log file: zimsvlog.zim.

The column headers in the Server Log grid are described in the table below:

Header Description
Date The date the message was added to the log
Time The time the message was added to the log
Type The type of message: Information, Error, Warning
Code The message code. Information messages start with 9 and Error messages start with 2
Source The process that originated the message: ODBC Driver, ZIMServer
Log ID Currently not used (default: 000000)
Message The messaged issued by the process

Filtering the Log

Right-click on Server Log and then click on Filter to access the server log filter

The Log File Filtering dialog will pop-up. Use it to limit the number of and the types of messages displayed in the Server Log grid.

Limiting the number of lines displayed in the log file

The following drop-box options are available to limit the number of lines displayed in the log file: (Last 500 lines; Last 1000 lines; Last 1 hour; Last 24 hours; Last 7 days; and Entire Log File );

Limiting the type of messages displayed in the log file

The following options, described in the table below, are used to enable or disable the displaying of specific types of messages:


Check Box Description
Include informational messages When checked, messages of type Information will be displayed.
Include warnings When checked, messages of type Warning will be displayed.
Include errors When checked, messages of type ERROR will be displayed.
Automatically refresh The utility continues to update the server log display in real time, according to the selected filter parameters.
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