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Loading Framework Support Data

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Framework Support Data is imported from CMA type files. Under the table name, the number of records to be imported is displayed. If a Framework Support Data file exists, it is selected by default to be imported into the database system. If no files exist, the check box for the table is made unavailable.

To disable the importation of data for a Framework Support table, uncheck the table’s check box. The message ‘0 selected’ is displayed. Framework Support Data can be re-selected by selecting the table’s check box.

Existing non-system Framework Data is deleted by default. However, to delete all Framework Data before loading, that is, including system data, select the Delete All option in the Existing Framework Data frame. Alternatively, selecting the Keep All option keeps all Framework Data. The developer’s choice is dependent on the type of merge required — append (keep data) or update (delete data).

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