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Generates Windows help files describing your application objects.


ZOMGenHelp object specification [option…]


;r Defines the root or main object amongst the objects for help is being generated. Help for this object becomes the first help topic that appears when you open the generated help file. It is also the “contents” help topic. Typically, the is the main program for your application.


This command places cross-referenced information about your application objects into a help file. Programs are stored as a series of help topics with object references linked to the topics for those objects. Other objects are stored as help topics that describe the attributes of each object.When you first invoke the ZOMGenHelp command, you are prompted to identify the help compiler that you want to use to create the help file. Any help compiler can be used. Press the BROWSE button to browse the folders to locate the help compiler. Once you have selected the help compiler, its name and location are saved in the Windows registry, under the following path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareZim Technologies International Inc.ZimHypertext

Once set, the help compiler identified in this registry value is used each time ZOMGenHelp is invoked.If you do not identify a help compiler and attempt to use ZOMGenHelp, a message is displayed, warning you that no help compiler is set, and asking if you want to locate one. Use the BROWSE function to do so.Descriptions and links are created only for those objects included in . Because of the nature of the processing required, generating help files can take quite some time.


The following command generates help files for all application objects and identifies the help for ZimPROF as the initial contents topic.

ZOMGenHelp * ;r zimprof

The resulting files can be compiled into a Windows help file by executing the following command at the operating system  prompt (assuming you have made your working directory the current directory). The HC31.exe file must be in your path when compiling from the command prompt.


This command creates a help file called APPHELP.HLP.

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