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Zim Object Manager (ZOM)


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Produces a statistical report on selected objects.


ZOMStatistics object specification [option…]


;k [!] The ;k option is used to assign a keyword to the selected object(s). If the keyword is already assigned, this assignment is ignored. If “!” is specified, the keyword assignment is removed for the object(s).
;p [!] Set the specified user-designated property for the selected object(s). If “!” is indicated, the specified property is reset for the selected object(s).
;d This specifies that the output is to be written to the indicated document. The document must be already created. If the ;d option is omitted, it indicates that the output is to be written to the screen.
;a If a document name is specified, the ;a option indicates that the output is to be appended to the end of the document. If the ;a option is omitted, it indicates that the output is to replace the contents of the document specified in ;d option.
;b If a document name is specified, the ;b option indicates that you would like to browse the document file after the action is completed. The ;b option does not take effect if the ;d option was not used to specify an output document.
;w If a document name was not specified, the ;w option sets pause on while the information is being listed to the screen. The ;w option does not take effect if output is directed to a document using the ;d option.


This service computes and reports statistics for all objects selected by the object selection criteria. A sample report is shown below:

ZOM Statistics Report

Object Existence Statistics


Existing  392

Corrupt 0

NotExisting 0

Defined 391

NotDefined  1

Neither  0

Object Type Statistics


Directories  1

Entity Sets  9

Relationships  6

Roles:            15

Documents:        84

Forms:            57

Displays:         16

Windows:          29

Variables:        37

Constants:        133

Named Sets:       5

Operational Statistics


Active:           392

NotActive:        0

Locked:           0

Directory Locked: 0

Not Locked:       392

Data Save:        12

No Data Save:     0

Not DataSaveAble: 380

Selected:         0

Not Selected:     392

Program Statistics


Programs:         29

(ignore warnings): 0

Macros:            0

Docs Not Programs:55

Pgms with Errors: 0

Need Compile:     0

Need UnCompile:   0

Keyword Statistics


Number of Keywords:       2

Number of objects in each keyword:

$changed:                 4

$new:                     392

Metric Statistics


Program Metrics

Number of Pgms:          29

Total Lines of Code:     8291

Average Lines of Code:   285.9

Min Lines of Code:       9

Max Lines of Code:       806

Database Table Metrics

Number of Tbls:          12

Total Records:           397

Average Records:         33.1

Min Records:             1

Max Records:             142


The following command puts the statistics report for the objects keyworded by “Sales_System” in the document “StatsRpt,” and brings up the document browser on the report.

ZOMStatistics +k Sales_System ;d StatsRpt ;b

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